Sounds Magazine, Writz & Nick Battle

In July 1979 I was briefly back in London. I had been spending a lot of time in Los Angeles. I wandered into the office of Sounds Magazine in Covent Garden London. Whilst in there I was asked to shoot a few bands. One of them was a feature that was to be written about an up and coming band called WRITZ. I knew nothing about them at that time. I headed off and met up with the band. We didn’t have long to do the shoot and I suggested we did a few shots near my office in Wardour Street, Soho. In fact, we used an alley way at the end of Berwick Street, surrounded by sex shops and dark doorways with bells & buzzers saying things like, ‘Cherry, Model, 1st Floor’. it was and still is, a lively area. We did some quick shots in the street. Nothing too imaginative or artistic, But now, when I look at these photos, they are real 1979 looking photos! They captured that moment for me. I did go on and shoot WRITZ live at the Music Machine (now KOKO in Camden Town, London.) Overall, I didn’t have too much to do with them before then or since. However, years and a lifetime later, I had settled in the UK, I am married with 3 kids and living in Chorleywood, Hertfordshire. Little did I know that my youngest child, Sam, had a very close friend called Jodie. I soon found out that her dad is also in the music biz. Well, those of us in that biz, know that it’s quite a small industry in many ways. So, I wondered if I knew her dad, Nick Battle. Well, his name was familiar to me, but I have been in this business for a very long time now. I slowly got to know Nick through the kids. Then about a year or so ago I did a photo shoot with Nick to help promote his new Album. Whist we were doing the shoot at my house we were chatting about his past. Now, I know that Nick is a prolific songwriter and has written songs for Sir Cliff Richard, Englbert Humperdink and worked with Gary Barlow & Spice Girls, among others as well as being an absolutely lovely guy. But I didn’t know that he was in WRITZ. Then the penny dropped! Of course! It’s amazing how many bands and artists I have photographed over the years and kind of forgotten it or placed them in my distant memory and pop in the back of my mind. During lockdown & Covid I have been spending some time scanning old negatives. I have about 5 million images already digitally on my server. But I still have a bout 1.5 million to scan. So, I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across these photos of that day in Soho on in the summer (July) 1979. I have also included a couple of shots of Nick taken recently in my back garden. His new album is called ‘Love is Long Road’ and its brilliant. Go and buy it now! it would make a wonderful Xmas present for someone or just treat yourself.
